Dating and another shameless plug


Dating is frustrating and difficult to navigate- at the best it’s an adventure and at it’s worse it can be disappointing and sometimes maddening.

Sometimes it’s them but also lets be real… it also you. People get in their own way all of the time.

How? Glad you asked:

  • You’re on the hunt for the perfect partner.

  • Your deal breakers aren’t clear for yourself or the list is too long.

  • You need to work of your past hangups and if you don’t work on them I promise you this is an issue.

  •  You have way too many expectations of feelings, actions and how easy it will be. 

  • You come on too strong or are so focused on being aloof you make it seem like you’re not interested.

  •  And when you finally find someone who hits the laundry list of “ideal” qualities... You end up disappointed that they don’t live up to the vision you had in mind.

And this WILL go on forever unless you do something about it today. 

Having a discussion with yourself and maybe some journaling can go a long way. Now, when I say journaling I do not mean Dear diary, Today was… That’s a little corny and not very productive.

I mean a list of top qualities that are important to you- and not: they have nice hair… hot body. But maybe list: they prioritize healthy lifestyles and self care.

These desires aren’t shallow- but it’s important to view these qualities as a value system. 

Having a solid idea of what you want helps whittle down your list of options and gives individuals more confidence in advocating what they want (and don’t want) in their relationship experiences.

One thing I can’t make easier? 

That sometimes this process takes time- maybe you're not ready, maybe more self discovery is needed, maybe you have red flags that you don’t see but are glaringly obvious. Those take introspection and sometimes… guidance.

If you’re fine with the way things are going, then scroll past the rest of this because it isn’t for you—no hard feelings.

But if you’re TIRED of the cycle and ready to make positive and lasting changes, here’s my advice:

Take a look at the book Unfuck Your Intimacy by Faith Harper

Check out a free 30- minute consult. Me and you one on one real talk.

⁣I could send you a newsletter with generic advice every week or month- which may or may not apply to you. 

⁣I highly doubt that sounds appealing.

I can blog and blog and blog and maybe something will click with you…. I mean I still will blog- but tailored guidance with tailored to you results? Sounds much better right?

How much do you spend on those dates that lead to nowhere? I bet 3 sessions (around the price of 3 botched dates) with me you’ll get: 

- Increased self-awareness & confidence 

- Healthier relationship with yourself & others

-Deeper understanding of Relationships, Better Dating, Mindset, Better Relationship with Yourself & more (too much to list- just email me ;)  )


And no BS—just the first powerful step towards bringing a more authentic, connected version of yourself. 


Consider this a fork in the road to self-discovery. And choose the path less traveled. Email me for a free 30 minute consult- I promise it will be worth it.


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