Why I launched during a pandemic
*DEEP BREATH* here we go!
Okay, so why on earth would I launch my business during a pandemic?
Because I care about others a whole lot. And there's much more need for what I offer now than ever before.
We need to help each other and that's pretty much my jam in life. I want to help. Which is why I am launching this now.
So stats are coming out about what quarantine and social distancing/ isolation can do to couples cooped up. And it’s not always super. In fact it’s kind of rough.
Marriage/ long term partnerships can be challenging even with the best of matches.
Trials, tribulations and the busyness of life can already mount a lot of stress on relationships with yourself and others. Add a pandemic that mother nature threw in and we have a whole new set of challenges.
If you Google divorce rates after isolation you’ll see the outcome is not as hopeful as one might think.
We hope for more quality time, more connection, more intimacy.
But that's not always the case: Stress from financial strain, anxiety, sickness, outside threats can affect us all and we are all subject to it. During the busy of life we can escape looming issues, and miss connections with ourselves and others.
Within the realm of self care the extra stress and isolation can bring out the not so good habits. It’s hard to nurture a relationship with yourself when you are confined to a space- it can create roadblocks to creativity, finances, nurturing or even basic hygiene. Those challenges can make it difficult to maintain a happy relationship with yourself too!.
And this is natural- guys look, we weren't ever supposed to experience our relationship with anyone including ourselves in a bubble.
We are naturally social creatures.
So the strain on relationships in this situation is normal.
And this is a great opportunity to lean into all of this and not shy away. Delve into those looming issues, seek out breakthroughs in your self care, lean into a deeper connection even if it’s difficult.
And I can help.
I am a certified relationship and intimacy coach. I help people nurture relationships with themselves and others. I am not a therapist. I am a guide that can walk you through the journey of more connection, self love, intimacy and wellness.
Self care is a journey where you begin to nurture your own needs and desire for self connection so you can flourish in other areas of your life.
Intimacy in your relationships take work and intentional connection and there is an abundance of well-being and joy that can await you in your relationships.
I promise.
With a little elbow grease and some solid effort I can guarantee you will experience healthier connection, better clarity and more self love and empowerment.
So let’s figure this pathway to a more fulfilling journey together shall we?